Forest Industries Advisory Council of SA

The Forest Industries Advisory Council of South Australia (FIAC-SA) provides an ongoing platform for government, industry and other stakeholders to work together.

It delivers an agreed priority works program, advising the Minister for Forest Industries about emerging considerations for the forestry and forest products sector. This information supports development across the state and the value chain in South Australia.

FIAC-SA uses the skills and networks of its membership to facilitate consultation and engagement. The council acts as a high-level conduit to address identified economic opportunities and challenges.

Work program and reporting

FIAC-SA is developing a work program for consideration and endorsement by the Minister for Forest Industries. Key performance indicators will be associated with these priority areas:

  1. Providing advice on:
    • domestic manufacturing and infrastructure master planning
    • future workforce requirements.
  2. Undertaking tasks as requested by the Minister.
  3. Developing an annual:
    • work plan to be approved by the Minister
    • report outlining the workings and achievement of the council, provided to the Minister.


Council members will reflect contemporary needs of the industry across South Australia. Membership is voluntary.

FIAC-SA members are selected by the Minister for their expertise, understanding of forestry issues and ability to consider the long-term interests of the industry. Where possible, the council will include representatives from across the supply chain and workforce in:

  • growing
  • processing
  • harvest and haulage
  • biomass or hydrogen
  • affiliated service providers and retail (domestic and export).

Current members

  • Tammy Auld and Michelle Ingley-Smith (Co-chairs)
  • Greg Boulton, South Australian Forest Products Association
  • Peter Badenoch, South Australian Timber Processors Association
  • Alicia Langfield, National Timber and Hardware Association
  • Laurie Hein, Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub
  • Wendy Fennell, Green Triangle Forest Contractors Group
  • Cathy Bell, OneFortyOne Wood Products
  • Peter Hewlett, Timberlink Australia
  • Travis Lawson, Construction Forestry Maritime Mining and Energy Union
  • Prof Mehdi Doroudi, Department of Primary Industries and Regions
  • Dan Jordan, Department for Environment and Water
  • Andrew Dunbar, Department for Industry, Innovation and Science
  • Andrew Excell, Department for Infrastructure and Transport
  • Sandy Burness, Department of Treasury and Finance


Members are appointed for up to 4 years. They may be removed from the council at the Minister’s absolute discretion.

FIAC-SA will operate for a period ending 30 June 2026, when a review of the council and its terms of reference will be undertaken. At the request of the Minister, a review may be undertaken before this date.

Areas of interest

  1. Infrastructure and manufacturing:
    • master planning
    • future workforce including diversification.
  2. Training:
    • cross border harmonisation
    • skills development.
  3. Resource management:
    • securing and increasing the plantation forest estate
    • water.
  4. Climate change mitigation.

Council structure

The Minister will appoint 2 co-chairs who will alternate chairing duties each meeting.

Secretariat functions will be provided by the Department of Primary Industries and Regions.

Industry members

Membership will include nominations from the following organisations:

  • a maximum of 2 members nominated by each:
    • the South Australian Forest Products Association
    • an organisation representing employees in the forest industry
  • 1 member nominated by each:
    • the South Australian Timber Processors Association
    • the Green Triangle Forest Industries Hub
    • the Green Triangle Forest Contractors Group
  • 1 member with experience and knowledge in skills and training
  • additional members as the Minister requires.

Agency members

High level executive membership from key agencies will be appointed representing:

  • Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA)
  • Department for Environment and Water (DEW)
  • Department for Industry, Innovation and Science (DIIS)
  • Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT)
  • Department of Treasury and Finance (DTF).

These members will either be the CE or a senior executive.


Sub-committees of FIAC-SA members may be established for specific purposes as required and agreed by the council.

Conflict of interest and confidentiality

All members must declare any conflict of interest arising from deliberations of the council, as soon as the conflict has been identified.

This may include any interest, business or other relationship that could be reasonably perceived to materially interfere with the member’s ability to act in the best interests of a person fulfilling the role of a member of FIAC-SA.

Members are required to treat all information provided to them, and the proceedings of all meetings of the council, as confidential.


FIAC-SA will meet at least 4 times per year and may meet out of session, as requested by the Minister.

The council can convene a meeting through written request to the Minister from a majority of members. A quorum shall be a minimum of 5 non-government members.

Meetings can occur via electronic means. At least 1 meeting per year will be held in Mount Gambier.

If members are unable to attend, they may seek the Chair’s approval for their proxy to attend on their behalf. Proxies must uphold the same confidentiality and conflict of interest requirements as do appointed members.

Observers may attend meetings by agreement of members present.

Communique – 29 June 2023

The newly expanded Forest Industries Advisory Council of South Australia (FIAC-SA) members held their inaugural meeting in Mount Gambier on Thursday 29 June 2023.

The Council reviewed and discussed the proposed Terms of Reference which include providing advice on domestic manufacturing and infrastructure master planning; providing advice regarding future workforce requirements, and undertaking tasks as requested by the Minister

It was agreed a communique would be published following each FIAC-SA meeting to update the public of meeting progress.

The State Government expanded the membership of the FIAC-SA as a key election commitment to ensure representation covering the full scope of the sector’s knowledge base, providing a clear and ongoing platform for government, industry, workforce and other stakeholders to work together for the betterment of the whole industry and its various sectors.

The Minister outlined key government forestry commitments including areas for the FIAC-SA support and confirmed the requirement for members to develop a FIAC-SA Workplan that establishes priorities and considers opportunities. Members agreed key areas of domestic manufacturing, infrastructure planning and future workforce requirements would form the basis of the Workplan and resolved to provide further improvements out of session.

Next meeting is scheduled for mid-August to progress the development of the FIAC-SA Workplan.

Communique – 17 August 2023

The second meeting of the Forest Industries Advisory Council of South Australia (FIAC-SA) was held in Adelaide on Thursday 17 August 2023.

Developing the domestic manufacturing and infrastructure masterplan is a key component of FIAC-SA’s workplan. The meeting focussed on its development and agreed it would be inclusive of the entire forestry value chain, with manufacturing and infrastructure as significant components. The masterplan will be flexible to account for emerging priorities.

FIAC-SA will meet prior to its next meeting to workshop the draft masterplan and ensure alignment between objectives, actions and outcomes. There will be a key focus upon actions that can be initiated now and over the next 3 years.

FIAC-SA identified the need to have an accurate stocktake of the State’s fibre resources and associated potential value-adding opportunities, with implications for revenue generation and jobs.

The next meeting is scheduled for early November.

Communique – 10 November 2023

The third meeting of the Forest Industries Advisory Council of South Australia (FIAC-SA) was held in Mount Gambier on Friday 10 November 2023.

The meeting was hosted by the Hon Clare Scriven MLC, Minister for Forest Industries and discussions focused on finalising the industry master plan, provisionally titled ‘South Australian Wood Fibre and Timber Industry Master Plan’.

Members discussed the improved goals and strategic actions developed at the September workshop, and provided in-principle support for the plan, noting the ‘living’ nature of the document will allow for regular reviews to enable adjustments to meet evolving conditions.

The master plan will be finalised for endorsement out-of-session.

A working group was formed to develop the scope and budget of priority projects to be funded under the master plan.

The Council’s next meeting is to be scheduled for early 2024.

Communique – 18 April 2024

The fourth meeting of the Forest Industries Advisory Council of South Australia (FIAC-SA) was held in Mount Gambier on Thursday 18 April 2024.

The meeting was hosted by the Hon Clare Scriven MLC, Minister for Forest Industries. The Minister acknowledged members' input toward the ‘South Australian Wood Fibre and Timber Industry Master Plan’, which was published on 29 February 2024.

Members discussed the approved initiatives to date and possible further projects to be funded that could deliver on the Master Plan’s strategic objectives. A working group formed to develop scope and budget of priority projects will continue this work.

Members noted the progress of the Forestry Centre of Excellence initiative.

The Council’s next meeting is to be scheduled for June 2024.


FIAC-SA Secretariat – PIRSA Forestry
Postal address: GPO Box 1671, Adelaide SA 5001

Page last reviewed: 29 Apr 2024


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