Marine scalefish fishery catch and disposal records

Selecting report

There is no requirement to enter a Marine Scale – CDR if you have not caught any of the quota-based species.

To enter an electronic CDR, select 'Marine Scale – CDR' from the Report Title list.

A screen showing a list of reports with a red box around Marine Scale - CDR

Add report

Complete the requested details and tap 'Next'.

Screen captures showing fields to be completed and 'Marine Scale - CDR' boxed in red.

Fill report

All report fields must be completed.

Enter the report number you received when your 'Prior to Landing Report' was submitted in the field labelled 'Prior Report Numbers'. You can enter multiple report numbers in this field – just leave a space between each report number.

If you have not caught a certain species, enter "0" in that field.

You can input weight to one decimal place, e.g. 50.7.

Tap 'Next' to continue.

Screen showing fields to report including weights.


A summary of all input information will be presented prior to submission.

Screen showing a summary of all input information.

If you have made a mistake, click on the left arrow at the top of the page to go back and correct information.

Screen capture of the Summary page with a left arrow at the top of screen highlighted in red

If the summary is correct, tap the 'Confirm and Submit' button at the bottom of the screen.

Once submitted, you cannot change the report using the app. You can request a change using eCatch.

After submission, you will receive an SMS to confirm your report has been received and a CDR number.

SMS outlining the report number and help phone number

Tip: The CDR number is your licence number, followed by the date as YYMMDD (year, month, day) and then a letter indicating the trips undertaken that day – e.g. the CDR number M533220506B is made up of the licence number M533, the date is 6 May 2022 and the letter B indicates it was the second trip fished that day.

Page last reviewed: 26 Oct 2022


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