Flood recovery update 17 March 2023

Progress of the State Government’s levee assessment and dewatering program is detailed in the table included in this week's update.

PIRSA has been working with SA Dairy Association and impacted landholders to undertake dewatering assessments across the Lower Murray Reclaimed Irrigation Area (LMIRA). To determine if dewatering can commence, several criteria need to be considered such as; the LMRIA being disconnected from the river, if levee stabilisation is required and if vehicle access is available. Dewatering is currently underway across seven properties with assessments conducted weekly as the circumstances in each LMRIA area change.

DEW is working with impacted landholders and trusts to determine which short-term feasible works may be required to stabilise the levee embankments to allow dewatering to occur. Each levee is likely to have different options, and there is unlikely to be a one-size-fits-all solution.

Andrew Curtis (SADA), Scottie Clark (Millewa Pumping), Said Khelwaty (DEW), Rod and Clint Baker (Baker Earth and Civil) discussing dewatering assessment at Mypolonga South
Andrew Curtis (SADA), Scottie Clark (Millewa Pumping), Said Khelwaty (DEW), Rod and Clint Baker (Baker Earth and Civil) discussing dewatering assessment at Mypolonga South
Tim Seelinger, Scott Ashby and Simon Peacock inspecting levee damage at Toora
Tim Seelinger, Scott Ashby and Simon Peacock inspecting levee damage at Toora

Safety is the priority when accessing inundated areas to undertake levee assessments and dewatering and works cannot be undertaken unless it is safe to do so. Where safe road access is not available, alternative access may need to be sought.

DEW and contractors have been on site at numerous levees over recent weeks to assess levee conditions as well as safe access methods, which will inform the schedule of works.

Where damaged sections of levee are above receding water levels and require no short-term repairs, PIRSA has commenced dewatering. For further information on the stabilisation of levee banks in the LMRIA see Levees on the DEW website.

Options are being investigated for how water that is to be disposed from inundated LMRIA areas could be used for consumptive purposes, such as irrigation. An outcome is expected next week and further information will be provided.

LMRIA dewatering and levee conditions

Irrigation Area Levee conditions required for dewatering Levee condition assessment
Disconnected from river Vehicle access for pump placement Stabilisation required Dewatering commenced LiDAR flight & report Stability assessment Stability works commencement
Cowirra X Commenced Commenced Mid-April 2023
Neeta X X Commenced Commenced Mid-April 2023
Wall Flat X Commenced Mid-April 2023
Pompoota X X Commenced Commenced Mid-April 2023
Mypolonga X Commenced Commenced Mid-April 2023
Mobilong TBC X X Commenced Commenced Mid-April 2023
Burdett X X Commenced TBA
Long Flat X X Commenced TBC
Monteith Dewatering not required for area Commenced Commenced Not required
Jervois Dewatering not required for area Commenced Commenced Not required
Baseby X Commenced TBA TBA
Burbidge TBA
Piawalla TBA
Glen Lossie X X TBA TBA TBA
Swanport X TBA TBA TBA
Yiddinga X X TBA TBA TBA
River Glen Dewatering not required for area Assessment and stability works not required
Woods Point Dewatering not required for area Assessment and stability works not required
Westbrook X X TBA TBA TBA
Wellington X X X TBA TBA TBA
Wellington Marina TBA

Financial assistance for farmers

Services Australia will provide disaster relief payments to eligible farmers who have been impacted by the floods. The payment rate is equivalent to the JobSeeker allowance (maximum payment is approximately $608 per fortnight for each person if partnered, or $718 per fortnight if single with children). These claims can be made up until 29 May 2023.

For more information see:

Alternatively, for primary producers who will be experiencing long term loss of income or reduced income, the Farm household allowance (FHA) may be available, which is a payment for up to four years. FHA is income and asset tested.

Both payment types can be lodged via a MyGov account linked to Centrelink.

Rural Business Support (RBS) can assist primary producers with these claims and longer-term financial planning and management to help get your businesses back up and running – phone 1800 836 211.

Additional assistance

Primary producers impacted by the River Murray flood are encouraged to access the Primary Producer Recovery Grants and the Primary Production Irrigation Grants along with other services.

For more information call 1800 931 314.

LMRIA Recovery Subcommittee – community members invited

A reminder to interested community members to nominate for the LMRIA Recovery subcommittee.

The LMRIA Recovery Subcommittee is being formed to ensure the flood recovery priorities for primary producers in this region are appropriately represented and will have majority community membership. It will provide a formal connection to the state recovery arrangements and ensure effective two-way communication between community and government during the delivery of the levee stabilisation and dewatering program.

You can express interest by emailing PIRSA.Recovery@sa.gov.au by 20 March 2023.

Key contacts

PIRSA – dewatering activities
Tarsha McGregor – Recovery Facilitator
PIRSA Murray Bridge Office, Bremer Rd
Phone: 0428 105 396
Email: tarsha.mcgregor@sa.gov.au

DEW – levee assessment and stabilisation
Scott Ashby – Community engagement
Email: dew.wiocommunications@sa.gov.au

DPC – Community Recovery Coordinator
Alex Zimmermann
Phone: 0455 984 411
Email: alex.zimmermann@sa.gov.au

Rural Business Support
Phone: 1800 836 211

Page last reviewed: 31 Mar 2023


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