Health, pests and disease eradication

Specific pests and diseases have occurred sporadically over the years, although the cattle that had survived the ship journey of months and later overlanded from the eastern States were, as a consequence, relatively disease free. However pleuro pneumonia killed an estimated 1.5 million cattle after it was imported into Victoria in 1858 and spread to Central Queensland by 1862. A range of disease eradication and control programs have occurred over the years including the successful eradication of pleuro pneumonia, tuberculosis and brucellosis.

The risk of importing Foot and Mouth Disease has resulted in a total ban on cattle imports at various times, only to be relaxed as the epidemic subsided overseas. It was relaxed again in 1969 when semen was allowed to be imported from England.

Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Eradication (BTB)
Bovine Johne’s Disease (BJD)
Other Health Issues
Cattle Compensation Fund Act

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