

Fishing limits

  • No minimum size
  • Personal daily bag limits: either 15 cuttlefish, or a combined total of 15 squid and cuttlefish
  • Daily boat limit when 3 or more people are fishing on board: either 45 cuttlefish, or a combined total of 45 cuttlefish and squid


The targeting and taking of all cephalopod species (squid, cuttlefish and octopus) is prohibited at all times in the cephalopod exclusion zone in waters of False Bay, Spencer Gulf, near Whyalla.

Targeting and take any cuttlefish species, including Giant Australian Cuttlefish, is prohibited at all times in the Upper Spencer Gulf in the waters north of the line between Arno Bay and Wallaroo.

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Page Last Reviewed: 01 May 2023
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