Moving cattle within South Australia

Any cattle movement between South Australian properties with different Property Identification Codes (PIC) is called a property to property transfer. These include:

  • moving cattle between any 2 properties with different PIC codes
  • purchasing cattle privately
  • moving cattle to and from lease or agistment properties.

Property to property transfers must be reported to the National Livestock Identification System (NLIS) database by the owner of the cattle at the destination property within 2 working days.

How to move cattle within South Australia

Moving cattle and buffalo requires:

  1. updating the NLIS database.
  2. movement documentation.

Updating the NLIS database

You can update the NLIS by 1 of the following:
  1. Update the database online – go to the NLIS website for account set-up and transfer instructions. All transfers require:
    • the individual animal identification number
    • consignment and destination PICs
    • NVD serial number
    • movement date.
  2. Update by a third party online – all third parties transferring cattle must have an NLIS account and be authorised by you. Go to the NLIS website for a third party authorisation form (Form E).
  3. Complete ‘Form A’ livestock movement form – each form can be used to transfer 20 cattle (fees apply). Request a form by phoning the NLIS Database Helpdesk: 1300 654 743.

Movement documentation

All cattle and buffalo property to property transfers must include either of the following documents:

Page last reviewed: 13 Feb 2023


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