Agronomy branch reports

Published 1968–1980

From 1968 to 1980 the Department of Agriculture (to 1975) and the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (1975–1979) issued reports prepared by the Agronomy Branch in Adelaide. These contain a wide range of research, extension and study reports associated with cereal, pasture and various seed crops.

Included are Agronomy Branch’s annual reports for 1969–70 and 1978–79 inclusively, which were published as Reports 18, 30, 43, 49, 58, 69, 74, 89, 100 and 110. Reports 87 and 106 were never published, while Report no. [19.2] resulted from a misnumbering (or a number not being issued).

In 2006 the reports listed below were scanned as electronic text files (image only) from the collection of Agronomy Branch reports held in the Woolhouse Library of the University of Adelaide (Waite campus, South Australia). The titles are from the title page (viewed between 23 and 29 May 2006). Each can be downloaded as a PDF file from the University of Adelaide’s Internet website. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view/print the PDF file.


Agronomy Branch Report Title



1 Potassium Fertiliser Use in South Australia 1968 P.M. Barrow
2 Lucerne Seed Production in South Australia 1968 1968 D. Ragless
W.O. Coleman
3 Skeleton Weed (Chondrilla juncea L.) in South Australia 1968 A.F.Tideman
R.T.M. Wood
S. Hogg
4 Aerial Agriculture in South Australia 1968 1968 P.R. Birks
5 Three Studies of Barley Stored in Bulk, 1965–1967 1968 J.B. Doolette
P.T. Sanders
6 The toxicity of maldison on Wheat to Various curculionids 1969 P.R. Birks
7 Farmer Experiences With the Econ Fodder Roller in the Lower South East of South Australia 1969 R.C. Hagerstrom
8 The extension Programme for Hill Country Improvement in South Australia: Progress Report 1966–1968 1969 J.D. McAuliffe
C. Phillips
9 Biology and Control of Austroicetes cruciata, the Small Plague Grasshopper, 1966–68 1969 P.R. Birks
J.W. Goode
10 Agricultural Research in the South-east of South Australia and Adjacent Areas of Victoria - Crop Production (includes bibliographical references) 1969 P.M. Barrow
11 Agricultural Research in the South-east of South Australia and Adjacent Areas of Victoria - Pasture Production (includes bibliographical references) 1969 P.S. Cocks
E.D. Higgs
12 The biology of Desiantha caudata, Pasc., (fam. Curculionidae), the Cereal Curculio (includes bibliographical references) 1969 P.G. Allen
13 HCB Residues in Wheat 1970 P.R. Gunner
14 Agricultural Potential of Four Areas on Eyre Peninsula, 1969 1969 J.D. McAuliffe
K.J. Holden
15 Agricultural Potential of the Area Proposed to be Supplied With Water from the Polda-Kimba Pipeline, 1969 1969 J.D. McAuliffe
K.G. Bicknell
16 The Agricultural Potential of Kangaroo Island, 1970 1970 F.C. Gross
17 Minor Agricultural Crops in South Australia 1970 Officers of Agronomy Branch
19 Dryland Lucerne Research and Extension in N.S.W. and A.C.T – 1970 1970 M.V. Smith
19.2 Research Projects and Personnel 1970 Pastures Research Section
20 Investigations on Drainage and Irrigation at Long Flat, 1960–1968 1971 P.J. Cole
21 Field Day on Utilisation of Dryland Lucerne Pastures, Kynoch Station, via Keith, South Australia 1970 M.V. Smith
22 1969/70 Distribution of Mice in South Australia and Broad-acre Treatment for Mice 1971 P.G. Allen
J.D. McAuliffe
23 Frost Damage in Cereals, 1970 1971 K.G. Bicknell
P.D. Fairbrother
F.C. Gross
24 Cloud Seeding Operations – 1968 1971 J.D. McAuliffe
D.W. Kidd
25 Where is Agricultural Extension Going?: a report on the Extension Session held during Branch Conference, 1971 1971 P.M.S. Potter
26 Seed Certification: 1970–71 Seasonal Report 1971 D. Ragless
27 Possible Future Roles of the South Australian Herbage Seed Industry 1971 E.D. Higgs
28 Legumes 1971 P.M. Kloot
J.H. Dawes
29 Grasses 1972 P.M. Kloot
J.H. Dawes
31 Cereal Responses to Nitrogen Fertilisers and Herbicide Treatments on Skeleton Weed Infested Land in the Murray Mallee Region of South Australia 1971 R.M. Wood
32 Investigations into the Use of Herbicides as Aids to Pasture Establishment on Skeleton Weed Land in the Murray Mallee 1971 R.M. Wood
33 Pasture Establishment and Pasture Competition Experiments on Soils Infested with Skeleton Weed in the Murray Mallee of South Australia 1971 R.M. Wood
34 Investigation into Seed Production, Marketing and Other Matters in Europe and the U.S.A. 1971 E.D. Higgs
35 Sitonahumeralis Steph. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in South Australia 1971 P.G. Allen
36 Parasites of Sitonahumeralis Steph. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) 1971 P.G. Allen
37 The Distribution and Weediness of African Daisy (Seneciopterophorus) in South Africa 1972 A.F. Tideman
38 DDT Analysis of Oat Samples from the Upper South East of South Australia 1972 P.R. Birks
Y.P. Lim
R.B. Jenkins
39 The use of diuron for the Control of Annual Weeds in Cereal Crops (wheat and barley) 1972 M.J. Catt
G.B. Baldwin
40 South Australian Department of Agriculture, Agronomy Branch Extension Report: 1971–72 Season 1972 G.D. Webber
41 Seed Certification: 1971–72 Seasonal Report 1972  D. Ragless
42 Oil Seed Rape Surveys, Trials and Demonstration Results 1971–72 1972 Agricultural Advisers
44 The biology of Sitona Species With Particular Reference to S. Humeralis 1973 J. Moulden
45 Seed Inspection Handbook 1973 D. Ragless
R.M. Kain
46 The Potential for Export of Seeds to the Mediterranean Basin 1973 D. Ragless
47 Principles, Practices & New Developments in Plant Protection 1973 G.B. Baldwin
P. Birks
A.J. Dube
48 Report on Herbage Seed Production: 1972–73 Season 1973 D. Ragless
50 Breeding Perennial Grasses for South Australia: with Special Reference to Fescue Arundinaces Schreb. (tall fescue) 1973 G.W. Lawton
51 Mini-Conference: Annual Medics: Establishment, Management and General Utilization 1973 E.J. Crawford
52 Plant Breeders’ Rights: a Discussion of Some of the Issues Related to Introducing Plant Breeders’ Rights in Australia 1974 E.D. Higgs
53 The production of Certified Seeds in South Australia During the Period, 1960–1973: a Statistical Summary 1974 D. Ragless
54 Paravivo: a Long Lived Winter Growing Lucerne 1974 E.J. Crawford
55 Coping With Change: a Report on the Branch Conference, 1–4 April, 1974 1974 N.R. Matz
D. Swincer
56 A Summary of Bushfire Research 1964–1974 (conducted under the guidance of the Bushfire Research Committee and the Senior Weeds Officer, Department of Agriculture) 1974 L.T. Jacobs
SA Bushfire Research Committee Agronomy Branch
57 Herbage Seed Production: 1973–74 Season 1974 D. Ragless
59 Overseas Study Tour, May 19th to July 31st 1974 1974 I.D. Kaehne
60 Overseas Study Tour Report: Field Crop Evaluation and Seed Production 1974 T.G. Heard
61 The Importance of Seed Quality 1974 D. Ragless
62 Sampling Methods and Life-table Data for Sitonahumeralis Stephens (Coleoptera: Curculiondae) 1975 J. Moulden
63 Kabatiella caulivora(Kirchn) Karak: the Causal Organism of Northern Anthracnose or Clover Scorch 1975 J. Johnsson
64 Phytotoxicity of mancozeb: (a literature review compiled before investigations into the poor emergence of mancozeb-treated cereals) 1975 J. Johnsson
65 Bushfire Control Plan: a report on the nature of the risks, hazards and desirable control measures of bushfires and other fires within and adjacent to the area of land under the control of the Monarto Development Commission at Monarto, South Australia 1975 B.J. Francis
66 Data bank and Gene Preservation in Annual Species of the Genus Medicago L. 1975 E.J. Crawford
67 Herbage Seed Production: 1974–75 Season 1975 G.E. Cooper
68 Agronomy Branch Mini Conference: Seed Quality and Production in Cereals and Other Crops, Walkerville, Wednesday 30th and Thursday 31st July 1975 1975 M.R. Krause
B.J. Marshall
D. Ragless
70 Interstate Study Tour Report on Pasture Seed Production and Certification, 2nd to 15th November, 1974 1975 W.O. Coleman
71 Sequential Sampling for the Pasture Cockchafer Aphodius tasmaniae Hope (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) in Pastures in South Australia’ Thesis (M.Ag.Sci.) University of Adelaide, 1975 1976 P.G. Allen
72 Some Observations on Weed Control in Canada: Report on Canadian visit 1975 C.R. Alcock
73 The Population of Culex annulirostris Along the River Murray in South Australia in 1975 1976 R. Laughlin
P. Allen
75 Certified Pasture Seed: Average Yield per Grower per Property per Year, 1966–1976 1975 J. Birrell
76 Barley in South Australia 1976 B.J. Marshall
77 South East Seed Industry Weed Control Activities, 1976 1976 S. Hogg
I. Simons
78 Seed Production Section Report for 1975–76 1976 D. Ragless
79 Management of Insect Pests in Agronomic Crops: a Study Tour 1978 P.G. Allen
80 Australian Demonstration Farm, ElMarj, Libyan Arabic Republic: Report on Operations for 1975/76 Season 1977 T. Dillon
K.G. Bicknell
81 A Review of Weed Control in the Arid Zone of South Australia Outside of Local Government Areas, 1945–1976 1977 A.W. Lewis
J.M. O’Neill
A.F. Tideman
82 Annual Pasture Legume Cultivar Demonstrations, 1977 Season 1977 N.M. Brooks
83 The Plague Locust Control Campaign, South Australia, 1976–77; Recommendations for the Future Control of the Plague Locust in South Australia 1977 South Australian Plague Locust Review Committee
84 The Australian Plague Locust Control Campaign of 1955 1977 J.D. McAuliffe
85 Harvesting of Medic Seed 1977 K.G. Boyce
C.A. Schubert
86 Harvesting Methods for Seedmaster Phalaris Seed Crops 1977 K.G. Boyce
W.O. Coleman
88 Botanical Composition and Productivity of Five Grazed Pastures on Kangaroo Island 1977 P.R. Gibson
90 Seed Production Section Report for 1977 1977 G.E. Cooper
91 Alternatives to DDT for the Control of Climbing Cutworm (Heliothis punctigerawallengr.) in Field Peas: Field Trial, Northfield, 1971 1977 Y.P. Lim
92 Alternatives to DDT for the Control of Heliothis punctigerawallengr. in Lucerne Crops 1977 Y.P. Lim
93 Alternatives to DDT for the Control of Climbing Cutworm (Heliothis punctigerawallengr.) in Field Peas: Field Trials, Rosedale, 1972; Narridy, 1972 1977 Y.P. Lim
94 Alternatives to DDT for the Control of Pea Weevil, Bruchuspisorum, (L) in Field Peas: Field Trials, Northfield 1970 1977 Y.P. Lim
95 Review of Research/Extension Needs of the Mixed Farming Areas of South Australia: Agronomy Branch Workshop, held at Hawker Conference Centre, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, 24–25 August 1977 1977 Agronomy Branch
96 The control of private development in rural areas of South Australia 1978 M.V. Smith
I.R. Lewis
97 Pasture Seed Production: a Comparison of Returns, 1978 1978 W.O. Coleman
A.J. Patterson
98 Ryegrasses 1978 P.M. Kloot
101 A Skeleton Weed Survey, 1976–1977 1977 G.M. Fromm
102 The production of Certified Seeds in South Australia During the Period 1973–1978: a Statistical Summary 1978 J.G. Pergoleto
103 Review of the Literature on the Genus Patasson (Hymenoptera mymaridae) 1978 D.C. Hopkins
104 A Study Tour, the Legume Aphids 1978 D. Swincer
105 Report of Visit to China for the Peking Agricultural Machinery Exhibition, October–November 1978 1978 G.D. Webber
107 A Survey of the Literature on the Blue-green Aphid (Acyrthos phonkondoi Shinji) 1979 C.L. Cordingley
108 Study Tour of North America, March–April, 1979 1980 A.R. Barr
109 Field Crop Agronomy Workshop: Held at Turretfield Research Centre, 8-9th November, 1979: Workshop Papers 1980 SA Agronomy Branch
111 Seed Section Report for 1977–78 1979 G.E. Cooper
112 Seed Section Report for 1978–79 1979 G.E. Cooper

Prepared by: Barry Philp
Date: August 2014

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