Dangerous Substance Amendment 1980

Page 1620 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL 25 March 1980

Dangerous Substances Act Amendment Bill

Second reading.

The Hon. J. C. BURDETT (Minister of Community Welfare): I move:

That this Bill be now read a second time. This Bill proposes amendments to the principal Act, the Dangerous Substances Act, 1979, authorising the making of regulations controlling the manufacture, installation, maintenance and repair of machines, equipment, contain¬ers or devices in or in connection with which dangerous substances are kept or used. The principal Act includes provisions designed to control the storage, handling, conveyance and use of dangerous substances in the interests of safety. However, recently when the need arose to regulate the installation of liquefied petroleum gas conversion apparatus in motor vehicles, it was found that the Act does not include provisions authorising the making of the necessary regulations. As a result regulations to deal with this matter were made under the Road Traffic Act. The Government, however, considers that the ambit of this general Act dealing with the safety aspects of dangerous substances should be enlarged so that regulations may be made under it regulating the installation of liquefied petroleum gas conversion apparatus and any similar matter as the need arises.

Clause 1 is formal. Clause 2 provides that the measure may be brought into operation by proclamation. Clause 3 provides for the amendment of section 30 of the principal Act which empowers the making of regulations. The amendment inserts new paragraphs authorising regula¬tions requiring persons manufacturing, installing, repair¬ing or maintaining machines, equipment, containers or devices in or in connection with which dangerous substances are kept or used to have received training and to hold permits to be issued by the Chief Inspector.

The Hon. FRANK BLEVINS secured the adjournment of the debate.

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