Corporate Plan 2023–2024

We make a difference so South Australia thrives by advancing the prosperity of South Australia’s primary industries, their communities and regions.

Our Corporate Plan outlines our purpose and core business. It details our priorities and the planning framework to achieve these.

Corporate Plan 2023–2024

Our priorities

We will work with our industry and government partners to deliver on our purpose by focusing on 6 key priorities.

Stimulate value growth

Grow the value of primary industries by leveraging government’s cross-functional capabilities to pursue opportunities where South Australia has a competitive advantage.

Reset the operating environment

Remove barriers to economic growth of primary industries and the advancement of regions.

Sustain the resource

Protect and maximise primary industry resources through integration of targeted research, monitoring, policy and regulatory interventions.

Manage risk and recovery

Preparing for risks and being able to respond and recover quickly from adverse events that impact economic growth and community wellbeing.

Enable regional growth

Support key regional development drivers.

Perform well

Perform as a modern, flexible and responsive organisation that values its partners and people.

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan 2021–2025 is the overarching plan that helps inform the Corporate Plan each year.

Page last reviewed: 28 Sep 2023


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