Avian influenza

Avian influenza outbreak in Victoria

Avian influenza H7N7 has been detected in Victoria at 2 free-range egg farms near Lethbridge, along with detections of avian influenza H5N2 near Lethbridge and at Bairnsdale.

The virus is not considered a risk to the public as it rarely affects humans, unless there is direct and close contact with sick birds. Properly cooked meat and eggs are safe to eat. There is no connection to the COVID-19 pandemic.

If you notice a number of sick or dead birds, immediately contact the Emergency Animal Disease Watch Hotline.

More information:

Avian influenza, otherwise known as ‘bird flu’ or ‘AI’, is a type of influenza virus that can cause high numbers of deaths in birds and has the potential to infect humans.

Types of avian influenza

The virus is classed into either of 2 types, depending on the severity of disease in birds:

  • low pathogenic avian influenza (LPAI) causes less disease and can readily mutate into HPAI
  • high pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) causes more disease with mortality rates up to 100% possible.

Avian influenza is not exotic to Australia. LPAI is known to circulate naturally among Australian birds, and is more common in waterfowl (e.g. ducks and geese) and shorebirds (e.g. waders and sandpipers), both of which are the natural reservoirs of the virus. Most bird species are able to become infected and spread the virus.

Australia is considered free of HPAI, as this virus type has never been detected in our wild bird populations.

Symptoms in birds

Symptoms of infection can vary, with a wide range of signs. Look out for:

  • swollen head
  • reduced egg production
  • misshapen eggs
  • respiratory distress (open-mouth breathing, coughing, sneezing)
  • diarrhoea
  • reluctance to move, eat or drink
  • droopy appearance
  • inability to walk or stand
  • unusual head or neck posture
  • sudden death in several birds.

A large number of dead birds in a short space of time is typical of HPAI infection.

If your birds show any of the symptoms listed above, please immediately contact your local veterinarian, or phone the Emergency Animal Disease Hotline.

Reducing risk in your poultry flock

There is no vaccination for avian influenza virus for poultry in Australia. Biosecurity is the best defence to protect poultry flocks from disease, with a focus on minimising contact with wild birds.

Husbandry and hygiene practices to achieve a high level of biosecurity include:

  • keep feed and water inside sheds where practical, or ensure they are covered and difficult for wild birds to access
  • ensure fresh feed and water is provided daily
  • keep feed and water spaces clear of faeces and other organic matter
  • ensure drinking water is treated, especially if it is straight from a natural water source, such as a river or dam
  • ensure regular testing of treated drinking water, to make sure treatment is effective
  • minimise the presence of vegetation that attract wild birds, particularly waterfowl
  • prevent the mixing of poultry species – keep chickens, ducks and turkeys separate
  • limit visitor contact with birds
  • keep new birds separate from your flocks in a quarantine pen for at least 4 weeks, until you are sure they are disease-free after transportation
  • contact your local veterinarian or PIRSA to improve your overall flock’s health, such as vaccinations.

Human health risks

There is very low risk of birds infecting humans with avian influenza, but a few hundred human deaths have occurred globally.

Good personal hygiene when handling birds is crucial to prevent disease outbreak. Always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling birds. People that work with poultry are also recommended to obtain the annual flu vaccine.

The Australian Government Department of Health website provides information on avian influenza in humans.

Outbreak preparation

Biosecurity SA works with the National Avian Influenza Wild Bird Surveillance Program, which is run by Wildlife Health Australia. This program monitors avian influenza virus presence in wild birds to understand the risks, and prevent infection in poultry flocks.

There has been no detection of avian influenza in poultry in South Australia, however LPAI has been found in wild birds. Detections of HPAI in Australia are rare and all outbreaks have been successfully contained and eradicated.

If detected in Australia, avian influenza is declared as an emergency animal disease and immediate actions will be focused on eradicating the disease. The Animal Health Australia website details the response.

More information

Emergency Animal Disease Hotline

Suspected disease or pests in livestock, poultry or aquatic animals must be reported immediately.

Call us to help stop the spread of animal illness, even if you are unsure of the disease.

24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Freecall 1800 675 888
Page last reviewed: 16 Nov 2023


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